Recipe for Press Workshop Recap

Craft News, Events, GreenvilleElizabeth Ramos

This past weekend, we hosted the first of our 2013-2014 event series, a DIY PR workshop with Amy Flurry. We met Amy at last year's Makers Summit and it didn't take us long to realize that artists and small business owners need to hear what she has to say. We were excited to bring her back to Greenville for this event.


Amy wrote a book called Recipe for Press and gave our group insight into how to think like an editor, sharing habits of people who get press. She also introduced a very cool tool called the Pitch Wheel to help keep track of when to send material to editors who are typically planning content months ahead.


photo by Miss Wyolene

One of our favorite quotes from Amy's workshop: "If you only pitch, but don't follow up, you've only done half the job."

Be sure to like the Recipe for Press Facebook page for more tips from Amy and check out the next few events in our lineup so you don't miss any of these great educational opportunities.