Happy National Craft Month! Show us your crafts!

Craft NewsElizabeth Ramos

It's March 1st--which kicks off the celebration of National Craft Month. Crafting blogs everywhere are gearing up to help people get their craft on this month, and Indie Craft Parade is no different. During the month of March we'll be bringing you crafting tips, exploring new DIY projects, and featuring people's crafts from right here in Greenville. That's right! We want to see what crafts you're working on! Image courtesy of Martha Stewart.

So please, let us know what projects you're tackling throughout the month of March. Recovering salvaged chairs with new, mod fabric? Decorating a room with handmade accents? Working on a new jewelry set? Trying one of our featured DIY projects? It's so easy to share! Just email jen@indiecraftparade.com, and include a brief description of your project and picture that is no bigger than 500 pixels wide. We can't guarantee that every project submitted will be featured, but we'll do our best to show as many as possible.

Alright Greenville crafters, you have your assignment. Let us see just how creative you are!